Towing Services

Towing & Roadside Assistance in Brooklyn

Many times when problems develop with your car or truck, it can leave you stranded alongside the road. Here at Ben and Nino Auto Repair, we offer both towing service and roadside assistance for our valued customers. Here are the locations covered by our services.

  • Brooklyn
  • Gravesend
  • Sheepshead Bay
  • The surrounding areas

If you are not sure if there our towing services covers the area you in give us a call at 1- 718-339-8500 and we will either be on our way to help you with your towing & roadside needs or if you are not in our service area we will help you to find a company that can meet your needs because we know how important it is for you to get your car up and running and on your way.

Roadside Assistance

Here at Ben and Nino Auto Repair, we can provide you with a number of roadside assistance services. Including the following:

  • Flat Tire Repair and Replacement – Flat tires can happen anywhere at anytime and as part of our roadside service we will change and repair your flat tire or in the even that your tire is too damaged to be repaired we will be happy to sell you a replacement tire.
  • Battery Jump Start or Replacement – Should you find yourself struck in a store parking lot or other place with a dead battery we will more than happy to give your battery a jump or replace the battery should the need arise.
  • Lock Out Services – If you should lock yourself out of your car we can unlock your car so that you gain access and be on your way within minutes of giving us a call.
  • Fuel Delivery – With so many of us living hectic lives it can be easy to forget to fill up your gas tank or keep an eye on the gauge. Should you run out of gas, we can deliver fuel to you so you can be on your way.

Our Towing Service

We provide 24 hour towing services including for those emergencies. We can tow just about anything including cars, lightweight trucks, 4 X 4’s, Motor homes and even construction equipment.

  • Block Drive Towing – If you have a vehicle blocking the driveway of your home or business then give us a call and we tow the offending car so that you can get in and out of your drive. We offer block drive towing to both our commercial and residential customers and we won’t charge the offending person whose auto blocks your drive. Owners and renters won’t bear the expense of towing.
  • Illegally Parked Vehicles & Vehicles Parked on Private Property Towing – If you have an illegally car parked on your property that is causing a dangerous situation or inconveniencing and interfering with you or your customers gaining access to your building or building then we can tow away that vehicle so that you and/or customers have the safe access you need to your building.

If you need road service or towing just give us a call at 1-718-339-8500 and we will be on our way to assist you within minutes of your call.

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